Monday, July 31, 2023

Michael Allosso brings improve to Jay Holstine's CEO peer group


Rather than offering a "band-aid" checklist for making an individual speak better, Allosso offers concrete suggestions and exercises designed to modify behavior and help the participant always be "you on your best day." Key issues include: appropriateness and method for demonstrating passion and energy generating enthusiasm, clarity, and persuasiveness while staying true to self charisma - can it be learned? team-leading and building the power of the spoken word and when not to speak tone of voice and body movement relaxation and concentration speed, agility, risk-taking, thinking "outside the box" Participants will be on their feet speaking and doing various exercises including those done by actors, re-structured to maximize relevance in the business world. All will receive immediate feedback so, by the end of the presentation, they will have a new set of tools to make each meeting, planned or spontaneous, with a group or one-on-one, more successful. Morale-boosting and team-building for heightened productivity will be emphasized. Participants will give each other feedback and, in turn, will receive feedback from Allosso regarding their style/delivery/tone. See Full Article.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Company Not Customer-Obsessed? You're Doing It Wrong - Jay Holstine


 Are you looking to stay ahead in today's competitive market? If so, your company needs to become customer-obsessed. That means focusing on creating the best possible experiences for customers and crafting strategies around true customer feedback, not just what's convenient or easy for the business. Companies that prioritize their custo
mers experience greater success than those that don't because they understand how essential it is to be attuned to their customers' needs and desires. According to Jay Holstine, being customer-focused also helps businesses build trust with their clients, which often leads to more sales by keeping them loyal as well as increasing referrals from satisfied clients. Read on to discover why being customer-obsessed isn't optional if you want your business to be successful!


Jay Holstine On Why Your Company Needs To Be Customer Obsessed

1. Improved Customer Retention: Companies that prioritize customer satisfaction have higher customer retention rates, says Jay Holstine. By providing a superior customer experience, your business builds relationships that last, and customers will be more likely to come back again.


2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: By taking the time to understand your customers' needs, wants, and expectations, you can provide a better experience tailored specifically for them. This creates an overall higher level of customer satisfaction and leads to greater loyalty and more sales.


3. Improved Brand Reputation: Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools available today, and when customers are happy, they will spread the word about your business. A customer-obsessed approach ensures that every interaction with customers leaves them feeling great about your brand, leading to a stronger reputation in both online and offline worlds.View more.

Leadership Best Practices - Jay Holstine CEO peer group discussion


Leadership Excellence – is the objective of Jay Holstine’s CEO peer group workshop Becoming a more effective leader was the emphasis of the Dallas CEO group chaired by Jay Holstine. “New research, insights and expert analyses of success factors were the center of discussion at our CEO workshop. Turnover is costly. You don’t want your company to be the 1 out of 3 companies having to replace a leader, and suffer shareholder market loss. It’s imperative to know the leader traits that create success and lead to the best performance in the CEO role,” said Jay Holstine. “Leading business and economic schools’ research reveal that the stereotype of the strong, confident, out-going, white, male candidate is not the best target, despite the historic trends of these inclinations. For one example, introverts are actually more likely to surpass hiring expectations. Education pedigree was another surprise: there was no correlation of an education from an elite school resulting in a superior performance: few of the actual top performers had ivy-league-educations, and some of the high-level performers did not even graduate from college,” Holstine mentioned. “The best news is that there are some valuable essential traits and success factors that boards can target in selecting the best leader,” Holstine added. Decisive - providing timely, concise decisions “You don’t always have all the information you need, in typical business decision-making scenarios, but high-performing CEOs still make decisions earlier, quicker, and with conviction,” Holstine shared. “One of our members said that the pursuit of the perfection often gets in the way of important action,” Holstine said. “The question to ask is if this waiting for new or remaining information outweighs the potential damage of delay. Basically, not making a decision is simply decision-by-default,” Holstine added. “While most decisions can be undone if necessary, lack of direction, and lack of confidence can weigh a company down,” Holstine said. “Interestingly, among leaders who were let go because of decision making, the vast majority of reason was for indecisiveness, rather than for making a bad call,” Holstine added. Managing conflict with adept confidence “Successful CEOs are not averse to conflict. They garner internal support by instilling confidence that they will lead the team to success, even if that entails contention. The avid leader understands that business is not without some disagreements, and they are comfortable dealing with conflict. They listen, and give those involved a voice, but not necessarily a vote. While consensus can good, it can turn into the lowest common denominator. Strong CEOs are not spending their time counting votes and worrying about being popular.  Discover More.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Create Demand For Business With The Right PR Strategy - Jay Holstine


As a modern business leader, it is essential to create demand for the products and services that you offer. But how do you effectively put your message out there in order to generate interest? The answer lies in smart public relations strategies that can help increase the visibility and awareness of your brand - from traditional methods such as press releases and media relationships to newer digital tactics like content marketing, social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), and more. Fortunately, with the right PR strategy in place, any business can be positioned effectively amongst its competitors. In this blog post, Jay Holstine discusses different types of public relations strategies to help create demand for your business.


Jay Holstine On Creating Demand For Business With The Right PR Strategy

When it comes to increasing the demand for a business, PR strategy is essential, says Jay Holstine. Developing the right PR strategy can help businesses to capture attention and generate interest in their products or services from prospective customers. Here are some tips on how to create demand for your business with the right PR strategy:


1. Focus on Storytelling: In order to create sustained interest in your business, you need to use storytelling techniques that can engage potential customers and keep them hooked. Tell stories about how your product or service has helped others or about interesting facts related to its development or history. This will provide an emotional connection between your brand and the customer.


2. Utilise Networking Opportunities: Making connections with other businesses, and industry leaders can be beneficial to your PR strategy. Establishing a good network of contacts who are in the same industry or related fields is important for getting your message out there, as well as being seen by potential customers or investors. Read more.

Creating a positive work culture and employee engagement


CEOs – ondeveloping the most rewarding and inspiring work environment “Our CEO group is committed to leadership excellence. They meet regularly to share new knowledge onoptimizing their companies, enhancing the experiences of their customers, as well as their employees, and building their leadership skills,” Jay Holstine said. Holstine chairs a CEO peer group in Dallas TX. The members are selected from non-competingindustries and share advice and experiences to help optimize each member’s leadership and success. “What employees really need in order to find purpose andsatisfaction in their day to day work was a primary topic of our recent workshop,” Holstine said. “The last two years, especially, has brought dramaticchanges in the workplace: Not just Howwe work, but Where we work, and Why we work,” Holstine shared. “Today’s employees have different expectations from “work,”research shows,” Holstine said. “In someways, employees require less from the company, but in other more abstract ways, they expect more, and this was our focus,” Holstine shared. “Leaders are workingon creating the most effective workplace for their type of employees and company, as they ensure that their engagement with and contributions to their community are what they intend,” Holstine said. “CEO members the shared some of the new expectations amongtoday’s workforce. Primarily, employeesare seeking a sense of fulfillment and purpose from their daily work, and from their employment with the company as a whole,” Holstine said. “While the concept of meaningful, worthwhile work has alwaysbeen a general objective of most companies, our CEO members now realize that it is even more important to expand and highlight the ways in which their company provides an atmosphere where employees are finding fulfillment and meaning in their work,” Holstine added. “Most of today’s employees rate ‘fulfillment at work, andfrom work’ to be highly important, and would consider leaving a current role, or taking less pay for a more fulfilling role. The CEO members said that new data on the even greater importance thattoday’s employees place on this aspect of their work inspires them to reemphasize some of their programs more specific to this, and also to expand other efforts,” Holstine said. See More.

Jay Holstine podcast discussing the SigmaFlow liquidity event

 Jay Holstine - Providing Personalized CEO Consultations for Executives Jay Holstine has brought together 16+ high-performing CEOs, from non-competing businesses who benefit greatly from the diversified and shared wisdom of this group. The group receives immediate value by Jay Holstine's experience: Start-up CEO, Seasoned growth CEO, successful Private Equity exit, management consultant specializing in operations improvement and manufacturing plant manager. The CEO Peer Advisory Group members have in common a growth mindset, a wiliness to bring vulnerabilities to the meetings, and boldness to incorporate needed improvements. In an executive peer group, there is a kind of shared wisdom (from successes as well as mis-steps,) that helps you re-think accepted practices and habits, in order to forge new paths of success. The members are on a mission to create and build the best company, environment, and mindset that they can…. To make a difference in our community. Learn more.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Tips For Hiring A Video Producer - Jay Holstine


Are you looking for a Video Producer to help create powerful, attention-grabbing videos for your business? Finding the right video producer is key to creating successful and informative videos that can captivate your viewers and define how they view your company. Hiring a talented Video Producer may seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right preparation, it doesn't have to be! Here Jay Holstine outlines top tips for hiring a professional Video Producer who has the skills and experience needed to create effective visual communication pieces.


Jay Holstine’s Tips For Hiring A Video Producer

1. Establish Your Vision: A good video producer should be able to help you bring your vision to life in a compelling way, says Jay Holstine. When hiring a video producer, it’s important to articulate what you hope to achieve with the video so that they can provide you with the right advice and direction. Take some time beforehand to clearly define what message you want viewers to take away from the video, as well as any other specific details such as style, tone, or length of the final product. This will give your potential producers an idea of what direction makes sense for them when brainstorming ideas for your project. Read on.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Skills Differentiating Successful Entrepreneurs From Others By Jay Holstine


Have you ever wondered what sets some entrepreneurs apart from all the rest? If you think it's luck, hard work, or being in the right place at the right time – Yes, these things matter –but there is much more to successful entrepreneurs than that. The truth is that success for an entrepreneur isn't just about having a great idea or even putting in long hours; it requires certain skills and characteristics to make sure your business stands out, survives, and thrives. In this article, Jay Holstine will discuss what exactly those skills are so you can determine if they're necessary qualities for the next venture you pursue.

Jay Holstine Lists Skills That Differentiate Successful Entrepreneurs From The Pack

1. Vision: Every entrepreneur must have a clear and achievable vision of the future they want to create, says Jay Holstine. They should be able to explain it in a few sentences and display the confidence necessary to lead their team down the path needed to realize that vision. Having an inspiring mission statement, objectives, and tangible goals can help reinforce that vision internally, as well as with potential customers or investors.

For example, Apple famously had the goal of creating technology accessible to everyday people. While Steve Jobs was certainly talented and charismatic, many attribute his success in leading Apple from a start-up to arguably one of the world's most valuable companies to his clarity of vision (Apple Inc., 2020). Keep reading.

A Leader's Guide to Building Trust at the Workplace by Jay Holstine


Building trust in the workplace is very important to ensure healthy work relationships. Leaders play an integral role in ensuring that people trust each other at work. This is closely related to the culture at the workplace as well. In this guide, Jay Holstine takes you through a few steps that can help leaders build trust, ensuring smooth workflow and greater efficiency.


Building Trust at the Workplace by Jay Holstine

So how do you build trust in the workplace? Here are a few tips that can help.


1.     Be Honest

With whatever you do, be honest with employees. There should be complete transparency about the company's affairs. Even if there are certain areas where the company is struggling, the employee should have a fair idea about it since they are also an integral part of the company. Even when you know it will be difficult for them to know the truth, never back down.


2.     Be Consistent

If you have certain rules and regulations, then stick to those. Be consistent with what you do because that helps employees understand how serious you are towards your work and why that is important to help you build on. If you commit, then keep at it. Jay Holstine says this helps employees understand that they can take you for your word.


3.     Model Appropriate Behavior

If you want employees to behave a certain way, then you have to be one to model the right behavior. Employees will only follow in your footsteps when they see you doing exactly what you want them to do. Then, reinforce your teachings and set the stage to build a highly appreciative culture at work. Find Out More.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Smartphone Or Tablet: Which Is Best For The Self-Employed? By Jay Holstine


For self-employed professionals in today's digital world, choosing the right device for their everyday work needs is an important decision. Whether it’s a smartphone or a tablet, both devices come with different capabilities that could give professionals the edge on productivity and efficiency. So which should you choose? In this blog post, Jay Holstine will discuss the plus points of both smartphones and tablets to help you make an informed choice about what best suits your business needs.

Smartphone Or Tablet – Which Is Best For The Self-Employed? Jay Holstine Answers

When it comes to deciding whether a smartphone or tablet is the best device for the self-employed, there are several factors that must be taken into account. According to Jay Holstine, smartphones and tablets offer different advantages and disadvantages, which can significantly influence productivity and performance when doing business on the go.

Smartphones are typically seen as devices primarily used for making calls and sending messages, but modern smartphones have far more features than this. The most recent models now have access to various applications such as email, GPS navigation, and even digital payments, allowing users to stay connected with their business wherever they may be. Smartphones also come in much smaller sizes compared to tablets, allowing them to fit easily into pockets or bags for easy transportability. This makes them ideal for those who need to keep their device close at hand at all times. Continue reading.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Build A Culture Of Belonging With Conversational Learning - Jay Holstine


The success of any business is largely dependent on its culture; it is the foundation for how goals are achieved, teams collaborate, and challenges are overcome. This can be particularly true when it comes to training initiatives, as employees at all levels need to feel a sense of belonging in order to make meaningful contributions. Being able to develop employees using a conversational learning approach allows businesses to cultivate an atmosphere that engages employees on a deep level and ultimately leads to more successful adoption outcomes. In this blog post, Jay Holstine discusses core principles you can use today in your organization that will foster a culture of ownership through conversation-based learning.


Jay Holstine On How To Build A Culture Of Belonging With Conversational Learning

1. Explain the Benefits of Conversational Learning

Conversational learning is an important part of creating a culture of belonging, says Jay Holstine. It allows employees to connect with one another, exchange ideas and perspectives, and build trust. Employees feel more at ease when they can openly share their thoughts and experiences with colleagues in an informal setting. This type of learning also helps foster collaboration and team building. Additionally, it enables employees to develop self-awareness and gain a better understanding of their role in the organization’s success.


2. Create Opportunities for Dialogue

When crafting a culture of belonging, it’s important to create opportunities for dialogue between employees on topics that are relevant to the workplace. This could include discussions about recent projects, team successes, or even current events. This type of dialogue helps employees to learn from each other and build their understanding of the workplace environment. Additionally, it encourages communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills that can be applied in various business settings. Learn More Now.

Tips to Deal with Toxic Coworkers by Jay Holstine

You spend a significant chunk of your day at work. Imagine how hard it would be for you to do that if you had toxic people all around you at work. Unfortunately, toxic behavior in the workplace is very common. If you wish to work hard and succeed, you have to know how to deal with these kinds of people. This is important to help keep your sanity intact. In this guide, Jay Holstine takes you through a few ways to help you deal with toxic people at work.

How to Deal with Toxic People at Work by Jay Holstine

Here are a few ways you can deal with toxic people at work.

1.     Learn More About Them

The first step is to learn more about these toxic colleagues and how they work. Try to understand more about their thought patterns and beware of their moods. You need to develop a plan to help you deal with them.

2.     Develop Coping Mechanisms

You need to come up with your own ways of dealing with these toxic people. Either you can choose to completely ignore them, or you can choose to respond to them in a certain way. It depends entirely on what works best for you and how you think you can manage that. If you think your colleague is making your work life too miserable, then try to focus on the positives of your workplace to keep you from getting entirely demotivated to work, says Jay Holstine. Read on.

Trials and Triumphs: The Chronicles of a Successful CEO

Every hero has an origin story, and every CEO has a journey - a compelling narrative woven through with trials, triumphs, setbacks, and victories. This story isn't just about the destination but the voyage, one that shapes, molds, and ultimately defines the leader. In the business realm, the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) embodies a pinnacle of success, marking the apex of an individual's career trajectory. But what does success truly mean for a CEO? Is it just about robust quarterly results, burgeoning revenues, or skyrocketing share prices? Or is there something more nuanced, more personal, and ultimately more profound at play?

Understanding the CEO's journey is a kin to unfolding an intricate tapestry, revealing a pattern where every thread signifies a decision, an action, a triumph, or a trial. The journey comprises of countless hours of hard work, unyielding dedication, sacrifices, relentless pursuit of vision, and the fortitude to stand tall in the face of adversity. Success for a CEO is not merely a measure of their professional achievements, but also the culture they create, the lives they touch, the employees they inspire, and the legacy they leave behind. Read more.

2023 Social Media Reshaping Tips for Businesses By Jay Holstine

  Are you looking to get ahead of your competition when it comes to social media? Do you want your business to stand out and better engage w...